Let’s Talk 👋


Cover Image for Aeqlia


Combined a multiplayer gaming experience with learning activities post games for agile and high performing teams



Early 2020 Oussama approached us with a brilliant and innovative way to collaborate, evaluate and learn for virtual and remote teams. 2020 has been very challenging for people and businesses and we foresaw a bright future for companies which something is missing here the new world we are living in. Pixium accompanied Oussama from project ideation to functional specifications and finally delivered the finished project in December 2020.


One challenging part of this project was to provide users with a seamless experience from the game to the web application in order to undertake assessments simultaneous.

Additionally, the data compilation can be done by individual, by team or by group of teams defined by the session master. Flexibility is the key word.


Multiplayers 2D games

Responsive Web Application

Highly customisable learning activities

Secured system architecture


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